The Final Decision

The K7M is one of the best Athlon motherboards on the market, however there is room for improvement. If you're looking for a good Athlon motherboard for overclocking then the K7M is probably your best bet right about now. Even with motherboards based on VIA's KX133 chipset coming out over the next few weeks, you can expect the K7M to hold its own in the Athlon motherboard market for at least a bit longer.

Unfortunately one of the factors counting against the K7M is its availability. With the FIC SD11 arguably the most widely available Athlon motherboard on the market, the K7M has quite a distance to travel before it can boast that same claim to fame, something which is very unlikely to happen.

The K7M is a very good solution, but in the end, ASUS began publicly promoting the board entirely too late for it to be able to be as successful as it could have been had they pushed the product early on like FIC did with the SD11. Hopefully ASUS has learned their lesson and will be on top of the promotion of their upcoming KX133 product.

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